Wednesday 30 July 2014

Soteriology : The Death of Christ - The Proof of God’s Love for us.

Rom 5:8  But God gives proof of His love to us in Christ's dying for us while we were still sinners.

Proof : Demonstration, exhibit, commendation.

But God commendeth (gives proof)... - God has exhibited or showed his love in this unusual and remarkable manner.
His love - His kind feeling; his beneficence; his willingness to submit to sacrifice to do good to others.
While we were yet sinners - And of course his enemies. In this, his love surpasses all that has ever been manifested among people.
Christ died for us - In our stead; to save us from death. He took our place; and by dying himself on the cross, saved us from dying eternally in hell.
God-in-Christ, therefore, is the only substitute who can accomplish your atonement, because Jesus is the only One in whom the should and the could are united by his fully-human, fully-divine nature.

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