Monday 3 February 2014

God Inspires the Gifts of the Spirit

The Body of Christ in the world is for the service for, and manifestation of Christ, and the Body is to serve the Head, whose Body we are. The gifts and graces of the members of the Body greatly differ, but are freely given of God through the Holy Spirit. Since all powers in the members proceed from the Holy Ghost, no member may boast against another, and no member, however insignificant, may consider himself unessential, but is equally obligated to be yielded to the Spirit. S.B.

Clearing any Misunderstandings

1Co 12:1  Brothers and sisters, I don't want there to be any misunderstanding (Ignorance) concerning spiritual gifts.
1Co 12:2  You know that when you were unbelievers, every time you were led to worship false gods you were worshiping gods who couldn't even speak.
1Co 12:3  So I want you to know that no one speaking by God's Spirit says, "Jesus is cursed." No one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit.
1Co 12:4  There are different spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit gives them.
1Co 12:5  There are different ways of serving, and yet the same Lord is served.
1Co 12:6  There are different types of work to do, but the same God produces every gift in every person.
1Co 12:7  The evidence of the Spirit's presence is given to each person for the common good of everyone. GW.


1Co 12:4  Now there are various kinds of gifts, but there is one and the same Spirit;
1Co 12:5  various forms of official service, and yet one and the same Lord;
1Co 12:6  diversities in work, and yet one and the same God--He who in each person brings about the whole result.
Now there are various kinds of gifts,, but the same Spirit. The especial gifts of the Spirit imparted to fit members for various duties, are now discussed. These are various in their manifestations, but all proceed from the same Spirit.

There are different ways of serving; of ministries or offices, but all are in the service of the same Lord.

Diversities of workings. The inward workings of the Spirit are not always the same, but it is God, one God, the same God, who causes them all. The object of this section is to show that one Divine source accounts for spiritual gifts diverse in their manifestations.

1Co 12:7  The evidence of the Spirit's presence is given to each person for the common good of everyone. GW

Evidence of the Spirit’s Presence φανερωσις phanerōsis fan-er'-o-sis Strongs
From G5319; exhibition, that is, (figuratively) expression, (by extension) a bestowment: - manifestation.  Apostolic Polyglot Bible open display.
is given to each person for the common good of everyone. GW
It is Profitable and Expedient and helpful. Thayer

Spiritual Gifts listed

1Co 12:8  To one the utterance of wisdom has been granted through the Spirit; to another the utterance of knowledge in accordance with the will of the same Spirit;
1Co 12:9  to a third man, by means of the same Spirit, special faith; to another various gifts of healing, by means of the one Spirit;
1Co 12:10  to another the exercise of miraculous powers; to another the gift of prophecy; to another the power of discriminating between prophetic utterances; to another varieties of the gift of 'tongues;' to another the interpretation of tongues.
1Co 12:11  But these results are all brought about by one and the same Spirit, who bestows His gifts upon each of us in accordance with His own will. WNT

1Co 12:8  To one the utterance of wisdom has been granted through the Spirit; to another the utterance of knowledge in accordance with the will of the same Spirit;

1. The Word or Utterance of Wisdom

the Utterance Thayer Logos 1) of speech 1a) a word, uttered by a living voice, embodies a conception or idea 2) its use as respect to the MIND alone 2a) reason, the mental faculty of thinking, meditating, reasoning, calculating
of Wisdom. RWP says “The Word of wisdom (logos sophias). Old words. Logos is reason, then speech. Wisdom is intelligence, then practical action in accord with it. Here it is speech full of God’s wisdom (1Co_2:7) under the impulse of the Spirit of God. This gift is placed first (revelation by the Spirit).

Wikipedia Commentators have noted both a prophetic and a teaching character to the word of wisdom. Among Pentecostals and charismatics, the gift is often defined as a revelation of the Holy Spirit that applies scriptural wisdom to a specific situation that a Christian community faces.[2] According to Pentecostal theologian Donald Gee, "One is deeply conscious that the supremely right thing has been said and the true course of action indicated. No further appeal is desired because the heart rests in a calm satisfaction that the will of God has been revealed".[4]
Great Pentecostal Bible Teacher Donald Gee
Some commentators translate the term as "teaching of wisdom" and prefer to focus on the gift's function in teaching the truths of scripture.[2] The Catholic Encyclopedia defines it as "the grace of propounding the Faith effectively, of bringing home to the minds and hearts of the listener with Divine persuasiveness, the hidden mysteries and the moral precepts of Christianity".[3]
Donald Gee writes: there oft-times comes shining forth a revelation in words that make our hearts burn within us. Many of us have experienced the holy awe and the thrilling exaltation of Spirit that accompanies a ministry of the spiritual gift of the word of wisdom on these lines. We have recognized once again 'not the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth.' And with the recognition has come a deep thankfulness that these glorious ministrations of the Spirit are still active in the church.[5]
Render to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's
Illustration:Mat 22:15  Then the Pharisees went and consulted together how they might entrap Him in His conversation.
Mat 22:16  So they sent to Him their disciples together with the Herodians; who said, "Teacher, we know that you are truthful and that you faithfully teach God's truth; and that no fear of man misleads you, for you are not biased by men's wealth or rank.
Mat 22:17  Give us your judgement therefore: is it allowable for us to pay a poll-tax to Caesar, or not?"
Mat 22:18  Perceiving their wickedness, Jesus replied, "Why are you hypocrites trying to ensnare me?
Mat 22:19  Show me the tribute coin." And they brought Him a shilling.
Mat 22:20  "Whose likeness and inscription," He asked, "is this?"
Mat 22:21  "Caesar's," they replied. "Pay therefore," He rejoined, "what is Caesar's to Caesar; and what is God's to God."
Mat 22:22  They heard this, and were astonished; then left Him, and went their way.

The word of knowledge (logos gnōseōs).

This gift is insight (illumination) according to (kata) the same Spirit.”RWP
Rod Francis  in the Gospel faith Messenger
"Word" Greek: "logos" is "the spoken word; the word spoken, not written" (Bullinger’s).
"Knowledge": Greek: "gnosis" is "knowing, or recognition, the knowledge or understanding of a thing, the insight which manifests itself in the thorough understanding of the subjects with which it meets and in the conduct determined thereby" (Bullinger’s).
The Word Of Knowledge, therefore, is knowledge received from the Holy Spirit to enable us to more effectively minister to the needs of people, to know and understand situations, circumstances, strategies of the enemy (kingdoms of darkness), etc. It enables us to know how to speak in the above situations with a knowledge that can surprise, baffle, dis-arm, open-up, bring answers, healing and understanding.
"I believe that the Word of Knowledge is a thought, or impression on our mind or a vision or the direct audible voice of the Holy Spirit ABOUT a situation" (Bill Subritzky in his book "Receiving The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit").
"This is the supernatural revelation of fact about a person or situation, which is not learned through the efforts of the natural mind, but is a fragment of knowledge freely given by God, disclosing the truth which the Spirit wishes to be made known concerning a particular person or situation" (John Wimber, "Vineyard Fellowships,"U.S.A.).

3. Special Faith and 4. Gifts of Healing
1Co 12:9  to a third man, by means of the same Spirit, special faith; to another various gifts of healing, by means of the one Spirit;

Faith (pisti). Not faith of surrender, saving faith, but wonder-working faith like that in              1 Corinthians 13:2 ( Matthew 17:20 ; Matthew 21:21 ). Note here en twi autwi pneumati(in the same Spirit) in contrast with dia and kata in verse Matthew 8 .
Fee writes that “It probably refers to a supernatural conviction that God will reveal His power or mercy in a special way in a specific instance.
G. Fee in his Commentary on 1 Corinthians.

4. Gifts of healings(carismata iamatwn). Iama, old word from iaomai, common in LXX, in N.T. only in this chapter. It means acts of healing as in Acts 4:30 (cf. James 5:14 ) and Luke 7:21 (of Jesus). Note en here as just before.RWP

1Co 12:10  to another the exercise of miraculous powers; to another the gift of prophecy; to another the power of discriminating between prophetic utterances; to another varieties of the gift of 'tongues;' to another the interpretation of tongues. WNT

1Co 12:10  The Spirit gives one person the power to work miracles; to another, the gift of speaking God's message; and to yet another, the ability to tell the difference between gifts that come from the Spirit and those that do not. To one person he gives the ability to speak in strange tongues, and to another he gives the ability to explain what is said. GW

5. The power to work miracles.

RWP Workings of miracles (energhmata dunamewn). Workings of powers. Cf. energwn dunamei in Galatians 3:5 ; Hebrews 2:4 where all three words are used (shmeia, signs,terata, wonders, dunamei, powers). Some of the miracles were not healings as the blindness on Elymas the sorcerer
v.10 The Spirit gives one person the power to work miracles; GNB  to another the exercise of miraculous powers;WNT  and to anotherG243 G1161 operationsG1755 of powers;G1411 ABP+

Peter raises Tabitha to Life.
Barnes :The expression used here, “working of miracles” (ἐνεργήματα δυναμέων  energēmata dunameōn) refers probably to the more “extraordinary” and “unusual” kinds of miracles; to those which were regarded as in advance of the power of healing diseases. It is possible that it may denote what the Saviour had reference to in Mar_16:18, where he said they should take up serpents, and if they drank any deadly thing it should not hurt them; and possibly also to the power of raising up the dead. That this power was possessed by the apostles is well known; and it is possible that it was possessed by others also of the early Christians. It is clear from all this that there was a difference even among those who had the power of working miracles, and that this power was conferred in a more eminent degree on some than on others. Indeed, the “extraordinary” endowments conferred on the apostles and the early Christians, seem to have been regulated to a remarkable degree in accordance with the rule by which “ordinary” endowments are conferred upon people.

6. The Gift of Prophecy
Prophecy προφητεία prophēteia prof-ay-ti'-ah Strong’s
From G4396 (“prophecy”); prediction (scriptural or other): - prophecy, prophesying.
The Free Dictionary :
a. An inspired utterance of a prophet, viewed as a revelation of divine will.
b. A prediction of the future, made under divine inspiration.
c. Such an inspired message or prediction transmitted orally or in writing

Prophecy (prophēteia). Late word from prophētēs and prophēmi, to speak forth. Common in papyri. This gift Paul will praise most (chapter 1 Corinthians 14). Not always prediction, but a speaking forth of God’s message under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. RWP

A Prophetic Word
prophecy — Here, probably, not in the wider sense of public teaching by the Spirit (1Co_11:4, 1Co_11:5; 1Co_14:1-5, 1Co_14:22-39); but, as its position between “miracles” and a “discerning of spirits” implies, the inspired disclosure of the future (Act_11:27, Act_11:28; Act_21:11; 1Ti_1:18), [Henderson]. It depends on “faith” (1Co_12:9; Rom_12:6). The prophets ranked next to the apostles (1Co_12:28; Eph_3:5; Eph_4:11). As prophecy is part of the whole scheme of redemption, an inspired insight into the obscurer parts of the existing Scriptures, was the necessary preparation for the miraculous foresight of the future.JFB Commentary

7. and to another Discernings of Spirits:

Discernings of spirits (diakriseis pneumatōn). Diakrisis is old word from diakrinō (see note on 1Co_11:29) and in N.T. only here; Rom_14:1; Heb_5:14. A most needed gift to tell whether the gifts were really of the Holy Spirit and supernatural (cf. so-called “gifts” today) or merely strange though natural or even diabolical (1Ti_4:1; 1Jo_4:1.).
Discerning διάκρισις diakrisis Thayer Definition:
a distinguishing, discerning, judging
The distinguishing of spirits: VWS Rev., correctly, discernings. Distinguishing between the different prophetic utterances, whether they proceed from true or false spirits. See 1Ti_4:1; 1Jo_4:1, 1Jo_4:2.

8. and to another, kinds of tongues;MKJV

[ to another, divers kinds of languages; Webster]; [Another can speak in different kinds of languages GW]
VWS Divers kinds of tongues (γένη γλωσσῶν).
I. Passages Relating to the Gift of Tongues. Mar_16:17; Acts 2:3-21; Act_10:46; Act_19:6; 1Co_12:10, 1Co_12:28; 1Co_13:1; 14. Possibly Eph_5:18; 1Pe_4:11.

II. Terms Employed. New tongues (Mar_16:17): other or different tongues (ἕτεραι, Act_2:4): kinds (γένη) of tongues (1Co_12:10): simply tongues or tongue (γλῶσσαι γλῶσσα, 1 Corinthians 14): to speak with tongues or a tongue (γλώσσαις or γλώσσῃ λαλεῖν, Act_2:4; Act_10:46; Act_19:6; 1Co_14:2, 1Co_14:4, 1Co_14:13, 1Co_14:14, 1Co_14:19, 1Co_14:27): to pray in a tongue (προσεύχεσθαι γλώσσῃ, 1Co_14:14, 1Co_14:15), equivalent to praying in the spirit as distinguished from praying with the understanding: tongues of men and angels (1Co_13:1).
III. Recorded Facts in the New Testament. (1.) The first recorded bestowment of the gift was at Pentecost (Acts 2).. (2.) Under the power of the Spirit, the company addressed by Peter in the house of Cornelius at Caesarea spake with tongues. Act_10:44-46. (3.) Certain disciples at Ephesus, who received the Holy Spirit in the laying on of Paul's hands, spake with tongues and prophesied, Act_19:6.
IV. Meaning of the Term “Tongue.” The various explanations are: the tongue alone, inarticulately: rare, provincial, poetic, or archaic words: language or dialect. The last is the correct definition. It does not necessarily mean any of the known languages of men, but may mean the speaker's own tongue, shaped in a peculiar manner by the Spirit's influence; or an entirely new spiritual language.
V. Nature of the Gift in the Corinthian Church. (1.) The gift itself was identical with that at Pentecost, at Caesarea, and at Ephesus, but differed in its manifestations, in that it required an interpreter. 1Co_12:10, 1Co_12:30; 1Co_14:5, 1Co_14:13, 1Co_14:26, 1Co_14:27. (2.) It was closely connected with prophesying: 1Co_14:1-6, 1Co_14:22, 1Co_14:25; Act_2:16-18; Act_19:6. Compare 1Th_5:19, 1Th_5:20. It was distinguished from prophesying as an inferior gift, 1Co_14:4, 1Co_14:5; and as consisting in expressions of praise or devotion rather than of exhortation, warning, or prediction, 1Co_14:14-16. (3.) It was an ecstatic utterance, unintelligible to the hearers, and requiring interpretation, or a corresponding ecstatic condition on the part of the hearer in order to understand it. It was not for the edification of the hearer but of the speaker, and even the speaker did not always understand it, 1Co_14:2, 1Co_14:19. It therefore impressed unchristian bystanders as a barbarous utterance, the effect of madness or drunkenness, Act_2:13, Act_2:15; 1Co_14:11, 1Co_14:23. Hence it is distinguished from the utterance of the understanding, 1Co_14:4, 1Co_14:14-16, 1Co_14:19, 1Co_14:27.
VI. Paul's Estimate of the Gift. He himself was a master of the gift (1Co_14:18), but he assigned it an inferior position (1Co_14:4, 1Co_14:5), and distinctly gave prophesying and speaking with the understanding the preference (1Co_14:2, 1Co_14:3, 1Co_14:5, 1Co_14:19, 1Co_14:22).

9. The Interpretation of Tongues

V.10f To one person he gives the ability to speak in strange tongues, and to another he gives the ability to explain what is said. GW. [to another varieties of the gift of 'tongues;' to another the interpretation of tongues]. WNT

interpretation of tongues, the ability to explain the meaning of those who spoke with tongues. There are named here nine gifts, all supernatural, imparted by the same spirit, which distributes them according to its own will.



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