Saturday 10 May 2014

Ecclesiology : Deacons and Deaconesses

The Choice of seven Deacons in the Jerusalem Assembly.

Act 6:1  At that time, as the number of disciples grew, Greek-speaking Jews complained about the Hebrew-speaking Jews. The Greek-speaking Jews claimed that the widows among them were neglected every day when food and other assistance was distributed.
Act 6:2  The twelve apostles called all the disciples together and told them, "It's not right for us to give up God's word in order to distribute food.
Act 6:3  So, brothers and sisters, choose seven men whom the people know are spiritually wise. We will put them in charge of this problem.
Act 6:4  However, we will devote ourselves to praying and to serving in ways that are related to the word."
Act 6:5  The suggestion pleased the whole group. So they chose Stephen, who was a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit, and they chose Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and  Nicolaus, who had converted to Judaism in the city of Antioch.
Act 6:6  The disciples had these men stand in front of the apostles, who prayed and placed their hands on these seven men.
Act 6:7  The word of God continued to spread, and the number of disciples in Jerusalem grew very large. A large number of priests accepted the faith.

Note here ;
1. The Apostles task was prayer and the Ministry of the Word of God.v.2,4
2. They chose seven men for the job of deacon who were spiritually wise. v.3
So often the pastor or elders get involved in things that lay people would love to do.
3. So they chose Stephen, who was a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit. The first Choice was the man who was to become the very first Christian Martyr. His qualifications were that he was full of faith and the Holy Spirit. Would to god that all deacons were so qualified.
4. Both Stephen and Philip were men who had a broader ministry than just serving widows.v.5
Nicolaus A proselyte - A “proselyte” is one who is converted from one religion to another. See the notes on Mat_23:15. The word does not mean here that he was a convert to “Christianity” - which was true - but that he had been converted at Antioch from paganism to the Jewish religion. As this is the only proselyte mentioned among the seven deacons, it is evident that the others were native-born Jews, though a part of them might have been born out of Palestine, and have been of the denomination of “Grecians,” or “Hellenists.”
Of Antioch - This city, often mentioned in the New Testament (Act_11:19-20, Act_11:26; Act_15:22, Act_15:35; Gal_2:11, etc.), was situated in Syria, on the river Orontes, and was formerly called “Riblath.” It is not mentioned in the Old Testament, but is frequently mentioned in the Apocrypha. It was built by Seleucus Nicanor, b.c. 301, and was named “Antioch,” in honor of his father Antiochus. It became the seat of empire of the Syrian kings of the Macedonian race.

5. Because of the proper structuring of the assembly the Word of God continued to spread and the number of believers in Jerusalem became very large.

Definition of Deacon
deacon διάκονος Gk diakonos Thayer Definition: 1) one who executes the commands of another, especially of a master, a servant, attendant, minister 1a) the servant of a king 1b) a deacon, one who, by virtue of the office assigned to him by the church, cares for the poor and has charge of and distributes the money collected for their use 1c) a waiter, one who serves food and drink.

Qualifications for Deacons
1Ti 3:8  Deacons must also be of good character. They must not be two-faced or addicted to alcohol. They must not use shameful ways to make money.
1Ti 3:9  They must have clear consciences about possessing the mystery of the Christian faith.
1Ti 3:10  First, a person must be evaluated. Then, if he has a good reputation, he may become a deacon.
1Ti 3:11  Their wives must also be of good character. They must not be gossips, but they must control their tempers and be trustworthy in every way.
1Ti 3:12  A deacon must have only one wife. Deacons must manage their children and their families well.
1Ti 3:13  Those deacons who serve well gain an excellent reputation and will have confidence as a result of their faith in Christ Jesus.

1. They must also be of good character. v.8
σεμνός semnos
Thayer Definition:
1) august, venerable, reverend
2) to be venerated for character, honourable
2a) of persons
2b) of deeds
A. Clark :Grave - Of a sedate and dignified carriage and conduct.

2. They must not be two-faced - double-tongued
nor addicted to alcohol.

3.  They must not use shameful ways to make money.
G146 αἰσχροκερδής aischrokerdēs
Thayer Definition: 1) eager for base gain, greedy for money

4. 1Ti 3:9  They must have clear consciences about possessing the mystery of the Christian faith. GW
1Ti 3:9  but holding the secret truths of the faith with a clear conscience. WNT

Barnes : Holding the mystery of the faith - On the word “mystery,” see notes on 1Co_2:7. It means that which had been concealed, or hidden, but which was now revealed. The word “faith” here, is synonymous with “the gospel;” and the sense is, that he should hold firmly the great doctrines of the Christian religion which had been so long concealed from people, but which were now revealed. The reason is obvious. Though not a preacher, yet his influence and example would be great, and a man who held material error ought not to be in office.
In a pure conscience - A mere orthodox faith was not all that was necessary, for it was possible that a man might be professedly firm in the belief of the truths of revelation, and yet be corrupt at heart.
5. He must be firstly evaluated.[well-tried]. v.10 and of good reputation.

6. Their wives also were to be qualified. not gossips nor bad tempered, and trustworthy.v. 11

7. A deacon must be monogamous and able to control and manage his own childrenv.12

1Ti 3:13  For those who have filled the deacon's office wisely and well, are already gaining for themselves an honourable standing, and are acquiring great freedom of speech in proclaiming the faith which rests on Christ Jesus.


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